Monday, January 16, 2012


RECAP: Okay on the last episode, the fam was eating Thanksgiving dinner- all except Bey that is. When Jay asked her was she okay she ran to the bathroom and puked everywhere. Jay explained to the family how she may have had the stomach virus but Bey told him she may be pregnant. Bey was hysterical because she wasn't ready for a baby so Jay gave her a lil talk and made her feel a little better...HERE WE GO

The next morning Jay called for a doctor to come and check Bey out. The rest of the family went out for breakfast. 

Jay: Baby, the doctor said she'll be here in about ten mins
Bey: *putting on her clothes* Okay baby *kisses him* Thank you again for last night. I really needed that talk. 
Jay: Anytime ma, you know I'm here for you 
Bey: *smiles at him*

(Ding, Dong)

Jay: That must be Dr. Treece. I'll get it *goes to get the door* Dr. Treece, Thanks for stopping by on such short notice.
Dr. Treece (I'ma Call Her DT): It's my pleasure.
Bey: *coming down the stairs* Hi Dr. *shakes her hand* It's nice to meet you.
DT: Nice to meet you too, so how are you feeling?
Bey: Better, I'm not as nauseous today
DT: Okay well thats good. I'm just gonna check you out and make sure everything is okay and then I'm gonna give you the test okay?
Bey: Okay

The doctor checked Bey, asked her a few questions and then gave her the test. Jay was just sitting in the corner anxious. Bey was too but she really tried to hid it.

DT: Okay, Beyoncé. The test is finished.
Bey: Wellll
DT: *Looks at the test* Congratulations , you are indeed pregnant
Beys face lit up
Bey: *smiling hard* I'm gonna have a baby?!?!? I'M GONNA HAVE A BABY! *Tears up* Jay, We're gonna have a baby!!
Jay: *sits with his mouth open, but saying nothing* ^_^ *thinking* OHHH SHIT, WERE GONNA HAVE A BABY!
DT: Well I have to get going now. Congratulations again
Bey: *wiping her tears and walking to the door* Thank you so much, Doctor. *closes the door* 
Jay: *walks up to bey and hugs her tight, fighting back tears*
Bey: *crying on his shoulders* We're having a baby

(A Few hours later)
The fam bam comes home from breakfast [and lunch, brunch]

MT: Jayy, Beyyy, we're home.
Bey: *coming down the stairs, smiling* Hey everybody
Everybody: Hey Bey
Chelle: Bey you look pretty today, you feeling better?
Bey: Yes much better *smiles*
Kelly: You're smiling extra hard today *leans forward and whispers* You had wake up sex this morning?
Bey:*laughs* No, you are a mess
Julez: Where uncle jj, BB?
Jay: *coming down the stairs* I'm right here lil man, wassup?
Julez: nuffin, jush chillin'
Jay: aight, I feel you *laughs*
Bey: Okay, everybody, can ya'll sit down? Jay and I have something to tell you guys.
*everyone sits*
Angie: What's this about?
Bey: Well, um, *grabs Jay's hand and looks at him* We're gonna have a baby *smiles*
MT: Awwww OMG! *Gets up and hugs them* I knew it. I was having dreams about fish and I was hoping it for wasn't missy pooh over ther again *points at Solo* Im So Happy for you guys!
Bey: Thank you mama
Kyra: *in tears* Omg My BeyBey is gonna have a baby, a real live baby!!! *Runs and hugs Bey and Jay* Dang Jay you finally let one loose huh?
Jay: *laughing* Forget you Kyra
Everyone else goes up and hugs Jay and Bey and congratulates them.
Solo: Finally I'm gonna have a niece or nephew to spoil rotten *rubs Bey's stomach*
Julez: Auntie BB?
Bey: Yeah lil man?
Julez: It's a baby in you tum-ach?
Bey: Yes it is
Julez: How did it get there?
Bey: Ummm how did it get here?
Julez: Yesh?
Bey: It's funny you ask *fakes laughs* Umm 
Julez: Did you eat it?
Bey: *laughs* Yes, yes I did 
Julez: *laughs* Silly Auntie BB, You not eat da baby
Bey: Okay no I didn't *laughs* but when you get a little older, maybe you're mom will tell you how it got there. *Looks at Solo*
Solo: Hey, don't put me in this, he asked you *laughs*
Bey: Whatever *lol*
Jay: How about we all go out to dinner tonight? My treat..
Renay: Shoot that's all you had to say. Of course we're going if it's your treat
Solo: I'm with Renay *laughs*
Jay: Shame, well I'll make the reservations and ya'll just get ready to spend my money *laughs*
Kyra: You ain't said nothing but a word Jigga. Kelly and Ty can ya'll help me pick out a outfit? *smiles*
Kelly And Ty: Okay
Ty: Code Word: Can you help me make Bey's clothes fit me? lol
Kyra: Ty you know me so well, lets go *grabs them and run up the stairs*

  (At Dinner)

Bey: Kyra, did you have to wear my favorite orange dress? (The One From Freakum Dress Video, Ya'll Know The One)
Kyra: Well duh Bey, I told you when you had it on in the video I was gonna take it. And you know Trey (Songz)  birthday coming up so I'm taking another one. 
Bey: *laughs* Just know I want my dress, that one, back in my closet when we get home...
Kyra: Yeah, *chuckles* Like THAT will happen...
Kelly: Thank you Jay, cause you know they can go on and on.
Mt: Well Jay, have you and Bey planned a date for the wedding yet?
Jay: No, we're both busy with our careers. You know Bey is doing "Obsessed" and I'm working on my album. We just figured we are gonna just wait, you know until we get things organized. But now that she's pregnant, we're gonna have to speed it up just a lil.
Mt: Yeah, well that's still good. Maybe after ya'll get married, ya'll can take a break.  Ya'll both really deserve it.
Jay: Yeah maybe, we'll see

They talk and enjoy dinner then head back home.

Angie: *flops down on the couch* OOO That food was good. Thanks Jay
Jay: Its no problem, you know that.
Angie: Well I'm gonna hit the sack, I'm so tired.
Kelly and Michelle: Me too
Kyra: Worst case of "Itis" everrrr!  Night sugafoots! *drags herself upstairs*
Renay: Yess, goodnight everybody
Solo: WTH? It's only 9:30, ya'll suck...
Bey: Solo, shut up, you'll be sleep in a minute to so hush
Solo: *thinks* Yep you right, I'm hushing
Mt: *with Julez sleep on her shoulder* Goodnight *goes upstairs*

Everyone goes their separate ways and goes to bed.

(4:30 A.M)
 *Jay's phone rings*

Jay: *picks up phone and answers with his eyes closed* Hello?
Woman: Hey baby...



  1. Baby?? Wait a minute! Who is rhat! They better have the wrong number..n he better hope bey aint hear glad that bey is pregnant..great post!

  2. Lmaooo I agree with the first comment! It better be his mama!!! Or it better be a crazy delusional ex
