Saturday, January 14, 2012

Um.. Baby

MT: *Walks in the front room* Dinners re--- *sniffs* Whooo chile, what died in here?
Kyra: Jay's insides... OMG!!
MT: Ooo Lawd *walks back in the kitchen*
Everyone runs in the kitchen behind her. Jay tried to come in until Angie and Solo stop him.
Solo: Wait, Whooooa where you going?
Jay: I'm coming to eat like everyone else.
Angie: Uh Uhn, no, you're going to go freshen up cause I honestly think you shitted on yourself.
Jay: *laughs* I'm okay, you act like you ain't never had gas. *walks around them and sits next to Bey*
Mt: Okay Jay would you please try and hold it while you're around food?
Jay: *laughs* aiight mama
Everyone sits to have dinner. Kelly says grace and they all dig in.
Kelly: MamaT, you make the ugliest most delicious Turkeys I've ever tasted.
MT: *Laughs* well thank you Trené, I try
Solo: And mama, this mac-n-cheese. mm mmm mmm you put yo foot in it this time.
Julez: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh *pushes his plate away*
Solo:What's wrong baby?
Julez: U said granma put ha foot in na food. I no like feet in ma food yuck!
*Everyone laughs*
Solo: *pushes his plate back in front of him* Boy if you don't eat this food. Grandma didn't really put her foot in it, I promise.
Julez: *looks at Solo, then the plate, then back at Solo* U shure?
Solo: *laughs* Yes now eat.
Julez: Otay *eats and plays with his food*
Jay: *looks at Bey* What's wrong, you not hungry?
Bey: *holding her stomach* Baby, I don't feel too good
Jay: Bey, are you sic- -
Before he could finish Bey ran to the bathroom and puked everywhere. Jay came running after her.
Bey: *puking in the toliet*
Jay: Ohh shit, Bey you okay? *holds her hair back*
Bey: *wipes her mouth* I don't know *holds her stomach*
Jay picks Bey up and takes her to the bedroom. Then he runs back down to where the family is.
Jay: Sorry ya'll, Bey isn't feeling good so we're gonna call it a night
Chelle: Is she okay?
Jay: Yeah, I think she just has the stomach virus or something.
Mt: Well, okay. It looks like she's in good hands. Tell her we love her and we hope she feels better.
Jay: No Prob mama, ya'll enjoy the rest of the night
Everyone: You too Jay
Jay goes back upstairs. When he gets there, He see's Bey in the bathroom sitting next to the toilet with tears in her eyes.
Bey: Jay, I think I'm pregnant.
Jay: Wait, wait, wait, pregnant? how did that happen?
Bey: I think you know the process...
Jay: Yea but I mean I always pull out.
Bey: Remember when we made up last month? You didn't
Jay: Ohh shit, you haven't had a period this month?
Bey: *shakes her head*
Jay: *puts his hand on his head and sighs*
Bey: *crying* Jay I can't be pregnant. We're not married yet, my career isn't where I want it to be. I'm not ready for a baby, We're not ready for a baby. *cries harder*
Jay: *sits next to Bey* baby listen, I know we didn't plan this but this is our responsibilty. No we are not ready but we have time to get ready. Look at me *puts his hand on her chin* Baby we're gonna get through this and I'm gonna be here every step of the way. I love you and I'll never leave you. This could be the best thing for the both of us, Now stop crying baby *wipes her tears*
Bey: Yeah I guess you're right. *faint smile*
Jay: you know I'm right *kisses her forehead and gets up* Now come on *helps her off the floor* Lets go to bed and in the morning we can maybe call a doctor to come and check you out.
Bey: Okay
When they get in bed, Jay holds Bey tight.
I love this girl so much. I don't know what I would do without her. She's my everything. I always wanted to start a family with her. I really hope she is pregnant. I want her to have my child. *kisses her forehead*
Jay: I love you Beyoncé
Bey: *rubbing his arm* I love you too Shawn.


  1. Awwwww shit!!! She is with child!!!!!!!

  2. Wowwww she could really be pregnant! This could be really interesting!
