Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Almost Caught

(The Next Day)

Bey: *wakes up to Jay staring at her* Well good morning
Jay: Good morning beautiful
Bey: *chuckles* Why are you looking at me like that?
Jay: Im just admiring your beauty, thats all
Bey: Aww babe *kisses him* Thats sweet
Jay: You're sweet *smiles*
Bey: And you're corny *laughs and gets up*
Jay: Hey, where you going?
Bey: To take a shower, I feel dirty *laughs*
Jay: Oh okay, I'll be waiting on you
Bey: *walks into the bathroom* Okay babe


Jay: *jumps up and runs in the bathroom* Bey are you-- *busts out laughing*
Bey: *on the floor* Jay this isn't funny, help me up.
Jay: *helps her up still laughing* How the hell you fall?? *cracks tf up*
Bey: Why is all this water on the floor? *hits his arm* Shut up, its not funny
Jay: Ohh shit, I took a shower earlier but I ain't know it was water on the floor. My bad
Bey: Yea nigga "yo bad". I could have hurt myself *-_-*
Jay: *kisses her cheek* Aww I'm sorry
Bey: Mhmm whatever *runs the shower water* Now get out and let me take my shower in peace
Jay: Straight? You just gone put me out. *backs her into the wall* What if I don't want to leave? *wraps his hands around her*
Bey: Babyyyyy no I just want to take a shower by myself, is that okay?
Jay: Yes ma'am *walks out*
Bey: *to herself* what am I gonna do with him? ch.. *gets in the shower*

(45 minutes later)

Bey walks downstairs to see Jay watch Tv on the couch.

Bey: *bends down behind him putting her arms around him and kisses his neck*
Jay: *scoots over* So you're finally out the shower
Bey: Seriously? I know your not mad cause I wanted to take a shower by myself. 
Jay: Nah, it's just a lot on my mind, I'm sorry
Bey: *side eyes him* okayy
Jay: What you wanna do today?
Bey: I don't feel like doing too much of anything, Can we just stay in?
Jay: Of course cause that's what I was thinking too.

Beys phone rings

Bey: Hello?
Justin: Hey bey, This is Justin
Bey: *gets up and walks in the kitchen* Oh um hey Justin, what's up?
Justin: You left your bag in my car and I just called to let you know I was on my way to bring it to you.
Bey: NOO!!  I mean um, it's okay, It's not that important.
Justin: Well your I.D. is in it. It's okay, it won't be any trouble, I'm almost there.
Bey: *sighs* Okay
Justin: I'll be there in about 5 mins.
Bey: Okay *hangs up and walks back in the front room*
Jay: Who was that?
Bey: Oh it was just Kyra calling to check up on me. You know how she is.
Jay: *suspicous* Mm Okay
Bey: *heads for the door*
Jay: Where you going now?
Bey: Just out for a walk. you know, for some fresh air *fakes a smile*
Jay: Beyoncé, are you lying to me?
Bey: Jay, no. Why would I lie?
Jay: Mm I Don't know *gets up and goes upstairs*
Bey hurries outside while Jay is upstairs. She see's Justin parking his car and she runs to him.

Justin: *looks up* Oh hey, here's your purse
Bey: *grabs it and kisses him on the cheek* Thanks, you're a doll *walks away*
Justin: Damn, Bey it's like that?
Bey: I'm sorry *keeps walking*
Justin: *stares at her for a min then gets in his car and drives away*

When Bey gets back in her house, Jay was just coming down the stairs.

Jay: Bey, we need to talk.
Bey: *gets nervous but doesn't show it* Okay *sits on the couch* What about?
Jay: Our wedding... I know we planned it for  January but I think thats a little soon.
Bey: *sighs of relief* Me too, I mean, at first I was thinking the sooner the better but we didn't even start planning anything for it yet.
Jay: I know so how about  we don't worry about a date yet, you know, until we get organized.
Bey: I kinda like that idea. 
Jay: Glad you do *kisses her cheek.

(A Month And A Half Later *Thanksgiving 2007*)

Bey and Jay relationship is getting stronger and stronger as the time goes by. It's now Thanksgiving and all of the family is in Houston at Miss Tina's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is there (Bey, Jay, MT, Solo, Julez, Angie, Kelly, Chelle, Ty, Kyra [Her Godchild], Renay [Adopted Sister])
and they are having a ball. They are playing celebrity Charades

Kyra: *raises her hand* Oh Oh Oh Is it my turn yet?
Jay: You can go
Kyra: *smiles and jumps up* Okay, wait, can I say a phrase? *laughs*
Kelly: Yea as long as you don't say their name
Kyra: Okay.. *clears her throat and pretends like she's holding a grammy* "I would like to thank all of.. everyone for this award--"
Solo: *Jumps up* BEYONCE, That is Bey all the way.
Bey: Damn Solo, that's not me
Kyra: Yes it is... "all of everyone"? *laughs*
Bey: *thinks* aww man Kyra you bold for that...
*Everyone laughs*
Chelle: *cracking up* Slow self
Renay: *laughing her ass off* Beyoncé WTF Is a 'all of everyone'
Bey: I don't know, I was nervous.
Angie: Uh Uhn don't do my cousin, you know she be in ha own world.
Bey: *side eyes Angie* Well thank you 
Jay: *laughing*
Bey: Ugh Be quiet, I don't wanna play no more *pouts*
Kyra: Aww BeyBey don't be upset, we lubbs youuuuu *gives her a biiiig hug* 
Bey: Uh uhn, enough of the sentimental stuff. Lets play a new game. Lets play twister
Solo: Now we're talking *gets the twister mat* I'm 1st
Renay: 2nd
Angie: 3rd
Kyra: 4th
Bey: 4th
Kyra: BeyBey I already said 4 whoooa now you can't count? *busts out laughing*
Bey: ugh Ky shut uppp *laughs* I didn't hear you say 4. I want to be fourth
Kyra: And I want a lightskinned boyfriend with long hair and braces but we don't always get what we want. Sorry
Bey: Smart ass *laughs*
Solo: Okay ya'll ready?
Everybody: Yes!!
Solo: Okay Jay, you spin since you're last
Jay: Bet *spins* left hand on red
Solo: *puts her left hand on red*
Jay: *spins* Okay Renay, right foot green

(They go on, and on. Ya'll know how to play twister. Lol They are now all twisted up. Jay's butt is in Kyra's face, Renay and Bey are face to face, Angie is under everybody with Kelly's butt in her face. Chelle and Ty fell and got out a long time ago Lol)

Bey: Okay, Jay spin, and hurry, I'm catching a charlie horse.
Jay: *spins* Solo. Left foot green
Solo: Aww hell naw, that's bullshit, that's halfway across the damn world
*Everyone laughs, But When Jay laughed he farted*
Kyra: *falls out making everyone else fall* OMGGGGGG Jay, What in God's name did you eat? *gasping for air* OMG
Jay: *CTFU* Haha I'm Sorry Kyra, excuse me
Bey: *covering her nose* Eww Jay WTF
Renay: What the entire fuck? *runs to a window*
Solo: Damn Jay did you shit on yourself? Go check yo draws.
(Kelly, Chelle And Ty Are cracking up)
Angie: *Pinches her nose* Now That's just nasty Jay *walks outside*
Jay: I said excuse me *laughs*
MT: *Walks in the front room* Dinners re--- *sniffs* Whooo chile, what died in here?
Kyra: Jay's insides... OMG!!
MT: Ooo Lawd *walks back in the kitchen*




  2. LOL I was so WEAK at that part when Jay farted! LMAOOO

  3. LMFAOOOO. Jay shitted on himself !!stanky booty ass!!!


  5. LMFAOOOO at Jay haha! And yea I think that the truth will come out eventually, which sucks because they seem happy right now
