Saturday, March 10, 2012


Solo: What? What's Wrong?

Bey: We going to mommy house! Daddy done lost his fucking mind!

Bey jumped her pregnant ass up out the bed throwing on her shoes. She dropped the phone moving so fast so Solo went to pick it up.

Bey: talk To mommy and try and calm her down.

Solo: Calm her down? What is going on? *holds phone To her ear* Momma?

MT: *crying*

Solo: What did daddy do?

MT: Go ask his nappy head hoe he was fucking!!

Solo: What? Wait, wait, HE CHEATED?!?!

Bey: No Solo, They played monopoly! Duh he cheated!!

Solo: But bitch hold on!...

Bey: Don't fucking try it! Just drive me to mommy's house!

Solo: Why can't you drive yourself? Oh wait, ya big ass can't drive! Oops!

Bey: You know What? Your ignorance was not needed! Just take me! *Snatches The Phone* mommy we'll be there in a minute.

Solo: You need to hurry and drop that load with your pregnant ass! *gets in the car*

Bey: Bitch, shut up and drive the car! *closes her car door*

20 minutes later

Bey: *bursts in the house*  Where is he?!

MT: *crying*

Bey walks over and wraps her arm around her.


When I saw mommy crying, It broke my heart. I've Never seen her cry this hard in my life. Yeah, she's cried before but never this hard. I couldn't help but cry and no It wasn't my hormones this time. How could he do this to her? And they were talking about renewing their vows. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I couldn't believe it.


I ran inside the house to find Bey and momma bawling on the floor. I was so mad but seeing them made my heart drop. I was ready to merk a bitch but momma doesn't need this. Not right now. I just walked over and hugged them both. Momma never cried this hard before. Why would he cheat? They were so happy! At least I thought. *gets mad again* He told me he wouldn't hurt her or us! He promised! I'm gonna kill him!!

(Back At the house)

Kelly: I wonder what's going on? They looked really upset! *moves her piece in checkers*

Angie: I know but we'll just have to Wait until they get back *moves her piece* YAS! KING ME,BITCH!! Or should I say QUEEN ME *smiles*

Kelly: Bitch, how you get all the way over here? Cheating ass, I'm not kinging nothing!

Angie:  *Laughs* You mad? Hahahaha king me king me with your flop ass! Haha

Kelly: Hell No, I'm not Playing no more! *gets up*

Angie: hahaha I can't believe you are this mad!

Angie was dying laughing while Kelly went to watch television. Angie was laughing so loud and being so annoying.

Kelly: ugh! Shut up!

Angie: Why you mad?

Kelly: cause you cheated smurf!

Angie: I didn't! I was winning and you will deal!

Angie laughed and flopped on the couch next to Kelly.Just then,Jay walked In.

Jay: Hey wassup Y'all?

Kelly and Angie: Hey Jay!

Kelly: we're just waiting On Bey...

Jay: She's not here?

Angie: nah, her and Solo stormed out of here a while ago.

Kelly: Maybe you should call her.

Jay: I will in a minute, Y'all gone chill here?

Angie: eh, yeah we cool.

Jay: aight, I'll be back.

Jay goes upstairs and drops his jacket and phone on the bed and kicked his shoes off. He went to the bathroom cause he had to take a piss. Lol When he came out, he called Bey.

*Phone call*

Jay: Bey? Baby you Ok?

Bey: *crying* yeah, I'm fine Jay.

Jay: are you crying? Why are you crying?

Bey: Jay not right now. I'll call you back later Okay?

Jay: Bullshit! Tell me what's Wrong?


Jay: You at moms house?

Bey: *sniffs* mhmm

Jay: I'm on my way

Bey: OK.


The moment I got off the phone, I threw all my shit back on. Mathew shouldn't have done that. That's fucked up.  I hope she don't find out that I knew. It's not like I knew for a while. I caught him and her kissing at some restaurant and few days ago. He told ME he would shut that bitch out. I should have told Bey. Damn,she gone kill me if she finds out.

(Ten minutes later)

Jay: moms. Open up.

MT:  *opens door, eyes bloodshot red*

Jay: *hugs her* you Okay?

MT: yeah, Bey and Solo came and calmed me down.

jay: You sure?

MT: yeah I'm fine baby *puts her hand on his face* everything happens for a reason *faint smile** Jay: alright.. wheres Bey?

MT: she's upstairs..

Jay: Ima go check on her. I'll be right back

Jay went upstairs to find Bey. He looked in all the rooms. She wasn't there. As he was headed back downstairs, he heard her sniffing. He looked around and saw the balcony door open.

Jay: Bey.... you Okay?

Bey: *staring blankly* 26 years. They were together TWENTY... SEVEN... YEARS!  How could he do this to her? How? He promised us *sniff* that he would never leave nor hurt my mom in any way. *cries* how could he do this?

Jay walks over and comforts her. She turned around and cried on her chest. Jay's eyes were watering. He couldn't stand to see his baby like that.

Jay: Bey, look at me *she looks up at him* Baby, everything will be fine. Moms is a strong woman. She's gonna get through this and So are you. And for Mathew, he's an ass. This is his lost. He just lost a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters.

Bey: *crying* I just cant believe he just cheated! If it were me...

Jay: It Won't be you. It will never be you. Listen, I know I fucked up in the past, but I'm a changed. I will never hurt you like this, I love you too much baby. Don't ever let that thought come into your mind again, okay?

Bey: *sniff* okay

Jay: I love you *kisses her*

Bey: I love you too *passionate kiss*

(Two weeks later )

Miss Tina and mathew haven't spoken since what happened. She told him "to let that ratchet bitch take care of him" (Yass Miss Tina)

It's now a day before the wedding (April 3rd) and Bey And Jay are separated for their parties.

*Phone Call*

Bey: Omg Baby! I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow! Are you excited??

Jay: Yeah but it seems like we're already married. *Sexy Jay-Z laugh*

Bey: I know but It is gonna Be official! I'm marrying the man of my dreams!

Jay: and I'm marrying the queen of mind.

Bey: Awe Baby, I love you!

*In Bey's background*

Solo: BITCH! Get off the phone! Y'all are separated for a reason!!

Bey: *giggles* Piggy, shut up!  *to Jay* obviously I have to Go. I love you Mr. Carter!

Jay: I love you more Mrs. Carter!

Bey: No I love you more!

Jay: I love YOU more!

Solo:  *snatches the phone* She loves you more. Bye!  *hangs up*

Bey: You a rude bitch, You know that right?

Solo:  *fake cries* Thu, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!!  *hugs her tight*

Bey: get off me!  I gotta pee ugh!

Solo: pissy ass!

Bey: Up yours piggy! *waddles to the bathroom*

*a few moments later*



Didn't Have Time To Proof Read But Thanks For Reading :)