Monday, April 23, 2012

The Big Sister I Never Had

SHIT!!!! Why is he here? I specifically told him DO NOT come to my home. Why doesn't he listen? I'm gonna ignore it.

"Bey? Beyonce? I can hear you?" FUCK!

"Uhm, Yeah What's up?"

"Can you open the door?"

"BEY?! Who's at the door?"

"Wrong house baby." I yelled to Jay in the room.

Then I opened the door.
"Justin, what are you doing here?"

He looked me in my eyes.

"I needed to see you. I can't come in?"
"No you cannot. You know Jay will cut your head off and sew it to your lap now what do you want?"

"Damn. It's like that?"

"Like what? Justin you know that whatever We had going is over. I told you this. You can't keep popping up at my home. I have a child now. And a husband-"
"Husband? You really married that nigga?"
"Bye Justin"

I closed the door and went back to Jay. When I walked in Blue was laying on her back playing with her feet.

"Aww baby. You're so cute." I kissed her forehead. "Where's daddy? You know?"
Jay then walked up behind me and grabbed my waist.

"Daddy's right here." He kissed my neck. "You missed daddy huh?"
"Hmm No"

He laughed. "Yes you did. Who was at the door?"

"They had the wrong house baby."

"Oh Okay."

As soon I lied down next to ladybug, the doorbell rang again. Ugh Justin, what the fuck?!

"It's alright Bey, I'll get it this time."

"NO! Baby, me and Blue can get it" I smiled and he eyed me down.
"Mhmm okay"

I picked Blue up and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a lady covering her face.
"Who is it?"
I opened the door. OMG!

"Rih, baby what happened to your face? JAYYY!" She started crying hysterically.

"It... it.."
"Say it! Chris did this?"

"Bey, Why you yelling?"

"Look at her face!"

"Beey, it.. it was my fault"

"Yo, Rihanna, who did this?"

"It was Crees"

"Aw hell no!" Jay went into the room to do God knows what. I gave Rihanna Blue while I made Rih an ice pack. I also got the first aid kit.

"Now Rih, what happened?"

She sat Blue up on her lap and wiped her tears.

"It's was all my fault. I shouldn't have assumed anything"

"Assumed what? Just tell me what happened and what possessed him to fu--.. to hit you!"

She took a huge sigh and began to speak.

"Okay, we were on our way to the Grammy's when he got a text. He was on his other phone so I didn't think it would be wrong for me to check it so I did. It was some girl texting him about coming over. I don't know what came over me but I just started going off and I slapped him. I shouldn't have done that."

She started to cry again.

"It's okay Rih, keep going" I rubbed her back to calm her down.

"He had this look in his eyes. Like he was possessed or something. Then he just started hitting me. I was fighting back but he's so strong. I don't even remember that much after. I just remember sitting in the ambulance. They asked me if I wanted to stay, I said no and came here. I had nowhere to go" She cried some more. Blue started to cry too. I grabbed Blue and started rocking her.

"Rih, you can stay here. But look at your lip. You might need stitches for that. I'll --"

Before I could finish, Jay came out, fully dressed and mad as hell, storming to the door.

"Jay! Where are you going?!"
He ignored me.


"I have to go handle something! Y'all stay here."

"Handle what? Shawn, don't you go touch that little boy!"

"Don't worry about that!"
I raised my eyebrow and looked at him like 'Who you talking to?'

"Sorry babe. But I have to handle something."

"Don't do nothing stupid Shawn!"

"Im not Bey! But you and Rih stay put. I'll be back."

I looked at Rih, She was still crying.

"Promise me you won't touch him."

"Baby I promise."

He kissed me and Blue and he left. I walked back to Rih and comforted her. I had to call the ambulance so they can stitch up her lip. When they left, Rih and I just wanted to get our minds off what happened. So we watched a movie. It was "What's Love Got To Do With It"... maybe not the best movie.

"I don't wanna watch this anymore Bey."

"Okay, whatchu wanna do?" I said turning off the television.

"I wanna just... I don't know"

"You don't have any idea?" She looked around and spotted something.

"Is that American Idol Karaoke? Let's play that." Her eyes lit up.

"Uh Sure.." As I got up to get it, Blue bursts out in tears. Hehe, That's my girl.

"Aww Baby, what's the matter?"

I picked ladybug up from the swing while Rih just sat back and watched me. Ladybug continued to cry. So I started to sing...

"Love has truly been good to me. Not even one sad day or minute have I had since you've come my way. I hope you know I'd gladly go anywhere you'd take me. It's so amazing to be loved, I'd follow you to the moon and the sky above."

She stopped crying and was falling asleep. I just hummed the rest of the lyrics. Once she was asleep, I put her in her crib in my room. When I came back, Rih was sitting on the couch.

"Bey, I wish I had your life!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, look at you. You have the perfect life. You have a wonderful and protective husband, and big beautiful home, a beautiful child. I'll never have that. You're beautiful, sweet, kind. You have it all. But look at me. No matter how hard I try, I'll never have that."

She was tearing up.

"Rih, listen, you are a very beautiful girl. Nothing is perfect. I can tell you now, my life isn't close to being perfect. Every relationship has their problems. And maybe that's the problem, Rih you're trying to hard. Don't go out searching for love. Let it just happen. Like this situation you're in now. Y'all were only together for a short time and y'all talking about marriage. Y'all were rushing. If you wait, I promise you'll find someone to love."

She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you so much Bey. For everything! You're like the big sister I never had."

That was sweet. This girl isn't as bad as people make her seem.

"You're welcome. If you ever need anything, you have my number."

"I know, thanks." She smiled.

"Now I know you must be tired, all the medicine they gave you. You go get some rest. If you need anything, I'll be in my room, okay?"

"Ok, thanks again."

"You're welcome" I walked back to my room and called Jay. I got voicemail, twice. What the hell did he go do. I lied down in my bed and watched a few episodes of 'Jersey Shore until I fell asleep. I woke up to some noise coming from downstairs. Sounded like someone dropped something. The clock on my nightstand said it was 5:23am. The banging got louder and I got scared. I jumped up and got Blue out of her crib and got back in bed. a shuffling noise sounded like it was coming towards us. I grabbed the bat from under the bed and stayed still. I was terrified.

Next thing I know, a tall figure stood at the door. I could hardly breathe. It flicked on the lights and I damn near passed out. It was Jay.

"Oh my God, baby!!" I dropped the bat, put Blue down and ran over to him. He was gushing blood.



  1. Lmfao at Blue crying cause Rih wanted to play American Idol karaoke. Omg wtf did Jay go out an do?!? Great post Kyra!! Update soon

  2. Hol' up!!! ......this bitch had the bat AND Blue in her arms?! What in thee hell, was Bey gonna do?! Lol!
