Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Moment Of Peace

He tried to scoot up but he was obviously in pain so I helped him. He sighed.

He kinda struggled to speak.
"Remember when I left the house? And told you And Rih to stay home."
"Well I was going to see what Chris did to her cause you know I'm not with that 'hit your woman' shit. I was on my way when I stopped at the store. Some nigga tried to rob me and steal the Maybach. You know I keep the A.K. on my hip so I pulled it up and held it to his head. Idk what happened but a man came from behind and shot me twice. No one was out and I was only a few blocks from the house so I struggled home and that's when I got to you."
My eyes were watering. I was mad, angry and sad.
"It's okay baby. You can stop. I can't believe this happened to you. Did you see any one of their faces?"

"Nah it was dark. I just saw it was two of them."
It was silent for a moment.
"I'm sorry."

"For what? This isn't your fault. You can't control this."

"I know but, I wish there was something I can do."

He tried to scoot up a little and he grabbed my hand.

"You're here with me and that's enough. Things like this you can't help but your trying and that's enough for me. Now gimme a kiss"

I kissed him and he leaned up and groaned. Aww I don't like to see my baby in pain.

"Are you okay baby?"

"*grunts* Yeah, I'm okay."
The doctor then walked in...

"Ahh, Mr. Carter. I see you're with us again. How are you feeling?"

"I'd be feeling much better if I wasn't laying in this bed."

"I understand, well, let me check your vitals and see how your doing."

The doctor checked and and wrote some stuff down.

"Well Mr. Carter, you're doing pretty good. Your vitals are good. Are you in a lot of pain?"

"Naw, not really."

"That's good. You can be out of here by tomorrow if you keep doing good like this."

I cut in.
"Um, doctor? How long would it take for him to heal?"

"Well in his case, not long. The bullets didn't break any bones and we got the bullets out in time. Seeing how well he's doing already, healing will take about 4 weeks and after he'll have to do about 4-6 weeks of physical therapy to fully recover."

That's not bad at all.

"Wow, I thought it would be worse."

"If you didn't get here when you did, it could have been much worse."

He looked at his paper then his pager.

"You be careful now Mr. Carter, I'll be back to check on you later."

"Okay Thanks a lot."

He said "it's my job" and walked out the door. You don't know how happy I am to know my baby is doing fine and can be home by tomorrow. I Walked back up to Shawn and tongued him down. When I pulled back, his face was like "O_o"

"Baby, what was that for?"

"Make-up from when I couldn't kiss you last night and this morning" I smiled and pulled out my phone to call my mom. She better not hang up on me.

"Ma! How's Blue?"
"Girl if you call me one more time. She is still asleep Beyonce. As she was when you called thirty minutes ago"

"Dang, sorry. I just wanna know how she's doing."

"I understand that. How's my son-in-law?"

"Why don't you ask yourself" I held the phone to Shawn's ear.

"Hey ma."

"Oh baby, thank God you're okay. I knew you would come around. You're a strong boy. How you feeling?"

"I'm in a little pain but the doctor said I can be outta here by tomorrow."

"So soon. That is so good. God is good"

"All the time. Yes he is" I laughed. My mom is FOREVER saying that.
Right with Michelle's ass.

"Is that Blue crying?"

"Blue's crying? What? Why?"

"Bey calm down. She said She just woke up."

"Oh, okay"

"Ma we're gonna call you back. Ok? Love you"

"I love you too baby"

He gave me back the phone and tried to get up.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"I have to pee" He struggled to get up.

"Okay well let me help you" I grabbed his waist and his arm.

"You gone help me pee? You gone hold my dick for me?" He laughed.

"Mhmm, I'm gonna hold something else for you too if you don't cut it out." I giggled. "Now come on. Does it hurt to walk?"

"Nah, I'm just weak right now." I helped him to the restroom and had to hold his big ass up to pee. He was on hard and I was in shock. He was just damn near in a coma but now he's hard as bricks. Lemme find out he was having wet dreams while I was thinking he was in a coma. I laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny?"
I pointed down.
"How are you on hard Jay?"
I giggled some more.

"You know what? maybe it was that actress I was dreaming about."

I stopped laughing.

"Nigga don't play."

"I'm serious. What's her name? Uhhh, She played Deena Jones." He mocked my voice. "One of the Dreamettes!" I cracked up!

"Jay that was so gay!!" I couldn't stop laughing. It was so good seeing him still joke around even in his situation. He always know how to make a bad situation bright. I lied in the bed next to him and held him.

"I love you Giselle."
"I love you more Corey"
I looked up and kissed him.

(A Month And ½ later)
Everything is perfect. Jay is healing very well. And Blue is getting so big. And this little girl is hilarious.


"Daddy did What??"


"Auntie Solo too?!"

"Bahabahbahbah *screams*"

"Uh Uhn, I can't have them messing with my baby. Hold on, who taught you to scream on key?" She giggled.

"Mhmm you trying to be like mommy huh?" I laughed. She looked up and me and smiled really big.

"What are you smiling so hard for?" I Picked her up off the bed and held her up. I started speaking in baby talk.

"Whyshusmilinsohard? Huh?" She looked at me weird and scrunched her face up. Oh God, I know what that means. I sniffed and got a wiff of what good looking was really cooking.

"OMG Blue! Baby what have I been feeding you? Good lawd!" I picked her up and put her on the changing station. She hates this bed so much. She started crying.

"I know, I know, just onnnnne minute." I opened her diaper.
He came in fast. Then he sniffed the air.

"Oh my damn. Bey what the hell you been feeding her??"

"Whatever, Come here. Look!"

"Uh Uhn. If it looks as bad As it smells, hell no."

"But look. It's all up her back."

"Bey what the hell? Go clean it off."

I was in shock. It was literally all up her back. Like she was playing in it. Changing diapers was my thing but this is disgusting. I picked her up, took her clothes off and put her in the baby tub Kelly bought her. I didn't wanna use it cause it's too beautiful but Blue hates the other three. I bathed Blue while singing "the bathing song" then wrapped her up in the towel. When I put her on the bed and dried her off, I blew on her tummy. She cracks up when I do that. I blew again and she got to kicking. I stopped cause she was kicking the hell outta my chest. I just laughed, oiled her up and put her on a cute purple onesie that Ellen got her. It says "All the single babies"
This is too cute on her.

"Now mommy's baby is all clean. Yes she is!" She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Aww you're sleepy? I thought you were gonna stay up with mommy and daddy?"
She started crying. I guess not.


"Baby why you always yelling?" He said coming into the room.

"Cause I never know where you are in this big house. Baby, can you go heat up a bottle for me?"

"I Gotchu"

He left and can back five minutes later.

"Jay, that bottle is not warm enough."

"How you gonna tell me? Yes it is"

I gave him a look.

"Let me see" I tested it. "Jay what did you do to this?"

He looked dumbfounded.
"What do you mean? I warmed it up."

"Is this from the Blue pitcher?"

"Yeah" He was lying.

"Really? So why is this not my breast milk?"
He looked like O_o

"Jay, baby, you can't rush with this. Blue needs breast milk. You don't want your babygirl sick, do you?"

"Of course not baby. I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

Lord, what am I gonna do with this man. I rocked Blue until Jay came with the bottle. He lied next to me while I fed and rocked ladybug to sleep. After I put her in her crib me and just cuddled and watched a few movies together. Finally, a moment of peace.



  1. Awww that was too cute!!! I'm glad jay is all better and lmaooo at blue screaming on key tho lol and awww they so cute family when it's no drama wonder was going happen next GREAT UPDATE

  2. "I got a wiff of what good looking was really cooking" LMFAOOO!! Great post Kyra!!! I'm glad Jay's feeling alot better! Update soon
