Thursday, February 9, 2012

Flaws And All


Jay: *walking in from work* Babe, I'm home... whooo! I had a long day.. *walks in the dining room* Babe where you--- What's wrong?? *sees her crying*
Bey: *sniffling* Baby they know... Everyone knows
Jay: Who is they? And know what?
Bey: About the baby... It's all over the internet.
Jay: What? How?
Bey: I don't know.. Oprahs assistant found out but I don't think she would tell anyone.

Jay: Bey! You know you can't trust people.

Bey: But that doesn't matter, what are we gonna do? I'm not ready to announce my pregnancy to the world and now I'm basically being forced to. Sometimes I hate being a big as I am. I can never have anything to myself *crying* I just wanna go away from it all... *wipes her face with her hands*
Jay: *goes to comfort her* I know it's hard baby but we'll get through this. Like when the press found out about us, we got through it together.

Bey: I guess you're right But it's hard.

Jay: How about this? After your performance tomorrow on "The View", how about we go on vacay? Just for about a week unless you want to stay longer.
Bey: Yes that would help me to get things off my mind. *sighs* but I have an idea for the performance tomorrow.
Jay: What is it?
Bey: You'll see *smiles and kisses his cheek* Thanks babe
Jay: You know you're welcome.. *smiles, kisses her lips and goes to shower*

Bey calls Miss Tina

MT: *sad voice* hey baby.
Bey: Hey mama, I.. Are you okay mama?

MT: yeah baby I'm fine. What's up?

Bey: Are You Sure?

MT: Yes, what's up?

Bey: Okay *side eyes the phone* I Have A Favor To Ask..........................................

(The Next Day *At The View*)

Sherri: This performer is a very talented, beautiful, humble woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. Please Welcome.. BEYONCÉÉÉÉ!!!!!

The curtains moved back and reveal Beyoncé looking magnificent in a H.O.D Original pants suit with her hair in flowing sandy brown curls. She sang Flaws and All. She sang with all her might thinking about how much she loved Jay. With tears rolling down her face she paused and sang:

Bey: *singing* And that's whyy I looooooove, loooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuu *tear falls*
The audience stands up and cheers super loud (You know how they do) and Beyoncé stands there smiling, wiping her tears for a moment until they quiet down.
Bey: Thank you, thank you so much! I have a little surprise... *looks down, unbuttons her blazer and rubs her belly*

The crowd automatically went CRAY! Yelling, throwing roses and flowers, taking pictures and crying. Jay was backstage speechless and so were the hosts of 'The View'

Bey: *smiles extra hard, blows kisses and walks backstage* (Crowd still going crazy)

When Bey got backstage, Jay ran up to her and hugged and kissed her.

Bey: Baby did you like it?
Jay: You have to ask? You were amazing!! *hugs her again*
Sherri: *Loud ass* Oh my god, Beyoncé, Congratulations!!!! Im so happy for you!
Bey: *hugs Sherri* Thank you
Whoopi: Whoooo chileeee Congrats Bey...
Bey: Thank you so much *smiles all hard* =D
Sherri: They are out there going crazy!! This is a day they'll never forget
Bey: Aww I hope so, I know they've been waiting on me to get pregnant *laughs*
Sherri: Hell, I've been waiting on you to get pregnant
Bey: Oh lord hahaha
Jay: *whispers in Bey's ear* Baby our plane is leaving at 6, we still have to pack.
Bey: Where are we going?
Jay: It's a surprise...
Bey: Okay *to everyone else* Okay I really have to go now... Sherri, I'll call you
Sherri: Aww okay *rubs her stomach* Bye little Jayonce *laughs*
Bey: You are a mess *laughs* Bye everybody...

(At Bey And Jay's House)

Bey: *packing her clothes* Baby, that wasn't so bad
Jay: What?
Bey: Announcing my pregnancy, They were really excited!
Jay: Well yeah, they've been waiting for you to have a baby since they found out about us. *laughs*
Bey: True. I thought it would be overwhelming but it was actually exciting seeing everyone's faces! *laughs* It reminded me of why I love my job so much, So many people care for me even though I don't know a good 90% of them.
Jay: That's just shows how special you are. *kisses her forehead and picks up their bags*
Bey: Now Jay, where are we going?
Jay: Um.. India
Bey: Right, try again
Jay: It's a surprise, Just be patient...
Bey: Ugh okay

*On The Plane, Almost At Their Destination*

Pilot: We'll be arriving in Nice, France in about 30 minutes time.
Bey: *excited* France? Baby I Love It Thereeeee
Jay: I know..
Bey: *kisses him* Thank you!! Now I know I'ma gonna relax..


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