Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Good Times

(2 1/2 Months Later)

Beyoncé is now 6 1/2 months pregnant and is getting bigger and bigger everyday. Bey and Jay found out that they were having a baby girl. ;) (Surprise Lol) Jay moved Bey’s family to New York so they could be closer to them. Also Miss Tina recovered very well from the incident. They Found Out Also Who Broke Into The Family Home. It Wasn't Lyndell. (Y'all Were WRONG Lol) It Was A Random Burglar. Who Would Have Thought?

(Bey and Jay’s House)

Jay: Bey! Beyoncé?? Where you at??

**No Answer**

Jay: Where the hell she at? *goes upstairs*

Bey: *in the shower, singing* “Scribble down ‘I hate ya’ but I know I love Jay because... I love everything Jay says, Jay does… (Heartbreaker Though Bey?)

Jay: *walks in the bathroom, laughing* Oh you do??

Bey: *jumps* oh my god Jay!! You scared me…

Jay: I’m sorry. I called you. But I couldn’t help but overhear, you love everything I do huh?

Bey: maybe, maybe not *giggles and wraps herself in a towel*

Jay: *pouts* awe man

Bey: awe baby you know I love everything you do. *kisses him* Well, except for when you snore. Oh and when you eat, you hold your pinky out. It’s a little weird. Oh and when you—

Jay: BEY! Okay damn

Bey: *laughs* I’m kidding haha

Jay: you play too much *picks her up*

Bey: *laughing* put… me down

Jay: nope not until you apologize.

Bey: I’m sorry. I’m sorry... now put me down

*Phone Rings*

Jay: *puts her down* saved by the bell

Bey: *answers* Hello?

Solo: Thuu!!

Bey: Hey Solo! What’s up??

Solo: I have a favor I need to ask.

Bey: How long do you need me to watch him?

Solo: *laughs How did you know that’s what I wanted?

Bey: Because that’s the ONLY time you call that excited

Solo: Damn I’m obvious but until the morning. I have a date.

Bey: with?

Solo: T.O.N.Y

Bey: *laughs* Okay smartass. Well just bring him over, I miss my baby.

Solo: Okay Thanks sis, we’ll be there in about 15 mins.

Bey: okay *they hang up*

Bey: Jaaaaaayyyyy!!! *turns around*

Jay: Wassup?

Bey: *jumps* Damn Jay! Stop doing that!

Jay: Sorry baby *kissed her*

Bey: It’s okay. Baaaaabe, I’m hungry. *laughs*

Jay: Aight what you want?


Jay: Waffles? Bey it’s 5:30.

Bey: *whines* but I want waffles *sad face*

Jay: okay okay just no sad faces.

Bey: Yaaaaaay! *kisses him* Thanks babe.

Jay makes Bey waffles while Bey goes to get dressed. She eats her food then goes to fix up the guest room for Julez.

(20 minutes later)

Julez: auntie BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!!! *runs and hugs her*

Bey: Hey lil man! Oooo be careful with Aunties’ belly baby. You might hurt the baby

Julez: awe I sowwie *kisses her belly* I sowwie baby

Solo: Boy you are a mess. Hey Sis!

Bey: *chuckles* Hey Solo

Solo: *hangs Bey Julez’s bag* I’ll be back to get him no later then 10.

Bey: Girl, This is my nephew. He can stay here until he wants to leave. Now get out. *laughs*

Solo: you rude ass, I almost forgot you were pregnant until now. *laughs, and walks away* Bye

Bey: I Love you too haha *closes the door* So Julez, what do you wanna do?

Julez: pway my new video game wiff you *holds up his karaoke game*

Bey: American Idol?? You might beat me in this lil man but c’mon lets play.

Bey puts in the game and they begin to play. Bey isn’t singing like she usually is because she wants Julez to get the high score. (You Know How Kids Are When They Lose) They play for about 10 mins until Julez picks Irreplaceable for Bey to sing. (Now Ya’ll Know She can’t Mess Up Her Own Song) She is trying her hardest to not sing it correct but that ooone part comes up.

Bey: *singing* I won’t lose a wink of sleep, ‘cause the truth of the matter is. Replacing you is so easy-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *that high note from TBE*

Julez: *stares with his mouth open*

Bey: *catching her breath then looks at Julez* Uh-oh

It says Julez lost and Bey won with the highest score.

Julez: I lost??? *tears up*

Bey: uhm.. No maybe they made a mistake.  Let’s play over.

Julez: I no wanna play no more *drops mic and walks away*

Jay: *walking in the front room (He Was Taking Care Of Some Business)* what’s wrong with him?

Bey: *sighs* I beat him in American Idol Karaoke.

Jay: *laughs* really?

Bey: *playfully hits his arm* Jay it’s not funny. He’s really upset.

Jay: well you know how kids are. He’ll be okay

Bey: I guess *holds her stomach*

Jay: something wrong?

Bey: nah she’s just kicking a little.

Jay: awe... Daddy daughter time?

Bey: *giggles* go ahead *covers her ears*

**Jay to Bey’s stomach**

Jay: hey baby girl. Its daddy again, I hope you’re being a good girl in there and not giving ya momma any problems. I’m not gonna talk your little undeveloped ears off , I just wanna tell you that I love you and I can’t wait for you to get here. But we gotta discuss some things. One: You can get the right boob but save daddy the left one.

Bey: *nudges him* I heard that *giggles*

Jay: *laughs* that’s Aight *to Bey’s belly* okay Two: when you get here, pleeease don’t be an all nighter. We need our rest baby. Haha and Three: no boys until you’re 32. *laughs* Aight baby girl. I love you *kisses Bey’s belly and the baby kicks him* okay, okay. 29 *laughs*

Bey: can I uncover my ears now?

Jay: yeah, it’s not like you couldn’t her me. *laughs*

Bey: *giggles* I Know… baby? Wanna know what I think?

Jay: what?

Bey: you’re gonna be a great daddy *smiles*

Jay: and you’re gonna be a great mommy *kisses her*

Jay: Ima Go Check On Julez. *Laughs*

Bey: *Laughs*.Okay And Tell Him I'm Sorry

Jay:  You Ain't Sorry *Laughs And Walks Away*

*Bey's Phone Rings*

Bey: Hey baby *Smiles* Justin: Hey Babe! What You doing Ma?

Bey: Nothing just spending a little quality time with My nephew and Jay, what about you?

Justin: Just got out the studio. I wanna see you. Can We meet Up somewhere?

Bey:  *Hesitates* Umm Justin that's a huge risk. You know that right?

Justin: I know baby but I need To see you! Please??

Bey: *Thinks For A Minute* Okay Where Are we meeting?


Soooo What Do You Think Is Gonna Happen?? Do Y'all Think Bey Is Cheating? Do You Think It's An Innocent Meeting?? Tweet Me (@__PinkIvyy) I Would Love To Know What Y'all Think.

Thanks For Reading!! ♥♥♥

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