Saturday, February 4, 2012

Scared Of Lonely


Solo: *knocks on Bey's room door* Sis? are you okay
Bey: *yelling* GO AWAY!
Solo: You really think I'm going to leave that easily? *takes a pin out of her hair and unlocks the door* (Smh Only Solo)
Bey: I don't want to talk... go away
Solo: Again, Im not going anywhere until you tell me whats wrong *sits on the bed*
Bey: *sits up and wipes her tears away* I cheated on Jay and now I think he's left me for good. *tears up* My life is over, I don't know what I would do without him. *cries again* I don't wanna lose him *burries her face in her palms*
Solo: You cheated? with who?
Bey: Not like that, Justin went down on me but we didn't have sex. Jay is even denying this baby even after I told him I didn't sleep with Justin. He doesn't even trust me enough to know that I wouldn't lie to him, especially something that major? *crying* Solo what am I gonna do???
Solo: Shhh Bey *rubs her back* Just calm down. Don't forget you are pregnant and you don't need to stress. I don't think Jay is gonna leave you for good. He just needs time to think about things.
Bey: What if he's thinking about leaving me? I can't raise a child by myself. I need him *wiping her tears*
Solo: That's where you're wrong, even if he does leave, you will not be alone. You have so many people here who care about you and who will help you raise this baby *places her hand on Beys stomach* You just have to be strong and have faith. Jay loves you entirely too much to leave you and his baby. He will come around, I'm sure of it. *hugs her* now calm down
Bey: *calming down* Okay *sniff* I'm calm now
Solo: *gets up* Now I'ma leave you alone now to think *starts to walk away*
Bey: *grabs her arm* Noo please, can you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone right now
Solo: Of course *sits back down*
Bey: *sighs* Thank you *hugs her*
Solo: What are sisters for? *smiles*

Bey and Solo sit there and talk some more but Bey couldn't keep her mind off Jay. She decided to call him but she gets his voicemail.

Voicemail: Wassup, Sorry I'm not able to take this call right now but do ya thang after the beep and I'll get back at you. *Beep*
Bey: Um Hey baby, we really need to talk. I miss you already and I don't want to lose you. Please come home so we can discuss this... okay I love you. *pauses* Bye

Bey sighs and tosses her phone to the side of her and lays down.

2 days pass and Bey continues to call Jay but she always gets the voicemail.

(At Kanye's House)

Jay: Man she keeps calling.
Kanye: Call her back nigga
Jay: I don't wanna talk to her right now. I cannot believe she fucking cheated on me.
Ye: Didn't she say he just went down on her?
Jay: Well that don't make that shit no better, she could have fucking stopped him before he even got that far.
Ye: I can't believe I'm saying this but nigga you a hypocrite.
Jay: *getting mad* WHAT?
Ye: Yes nigga you a hypocrite... You went and fucked this bitch over a petty ass argument with Bey, not knowing if you could have caught something from that hoe and now Bey bearly cheats and you thinking bout leaving her AND yo baby? Nigga i should fucking slap you... All the shit you put that girl through, she mess up one time and you get this mad? chhh...
Jay: *silence*
Ye: Now you can't talk? Well you think about how much that Bey loves you and how much she is there for you. Then when you wanna talk let me know.. *walks away*

Jay knows Kanye is so right but he doesn't want to show him. He now understands what Bey went through when she found out he was cheating and he knows she's probably been going thru hell since he left. Jay grabs his keys and heads back to his house. When he got there, the house was completely silent. He walked up to the bedroom and he heard something. He opened the door and saw Bey laying on her stomach with her face burried in her arms crying.

Jay: *taps her*
Bey: *jumps and looks up at him*
Jay: Bey, stop crying...
Bey: *crying* Why should I? You hate me...
Jay: Bey I don't hate you..
Bey: *sits up* Then why did you leave me?
Jay: I was mad, I didn't want to see you, I didn't even want to be near you. I needed time to think.

Bey: Jay you left me and all I could think about was you not coming back. I thought  you left me for good. I thought you left me alone with this baby. Jay I can't do this by myself. I need you.

Jay: I know baby. I Need you too and I'm sorry.

Bey: This whole time I thought about our future, us getting married and having children. Jay I can't see my life without you. If you left me for good, I don't know what I would do with myself. I'm so sorry about what happened and I should have stopped him when he kissed me. I just *tears up* was so hurt that you cheated on me, and I wanted to get you back but I couldn't do it that way. When you asked me if this baby is yours, even after I told you I didn't sleep with him, *starts crying* that broke my heart. you don't trust me?

Jay: Bey I do trust you, I believed you when you first said you didn't. I was just so hurt that I didn't want to hear anything else you said. I would never leave you for good. That's just how I handle bad situations.

Bey: But Jayy... *Jay interrups*

Jay: Let me finish. I needed to think so I went to Kanyes house. He talked to me and I realized how you felt when I cheated on you. You've been through hell and back dealing with me and I just left you after you made one mistake and that's not right. We all make mistakes no one man is perfect. *wipes Bey's tears* I'm sorry for leaving you Bey and I don't ever want you to think I'll leave you for good. I love you too much for that.

Bey is crying hard now because she can tell Jay's words are sincere.

Bey: *hugs him tight* Im Sorry...
Jay: I'm sorry too *they share a very passionate kiss*

Bey: Jay?
Jay: Yeah?
Bey: *looks into his eyes* I love you
Jay: I Love you too.... *kisses her again*
Bey: Jay?
Jay: Yeah?
Bey: Promise me that no matter how hard this gets, we will be there for each other.
Jay: Bey, I promise on my life
Bey: *sheds a couple tears and hugs him*


Short? I Know, SHOOT ME!

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